Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Gav

grandma and grandpa Bear gave Gav this Hulk suit. He loves dress ups!!
Gavin's new jeep! (This is my garage sale pride and joy moment. I got the jeep and the charger and everything for only 10 buckaroos) The kids have wanted one since Kam was little. Gav is almost too big for it now but he was way excited and Mason will be happy when he gets to have it:-)

Gavin had a birthday a couple of days ago (along with his uncle Matt and his cousins Jessie and Dallin)!! Since he is the big 5, I wanted to share 5 reasons why I love him!

Among other reasons:

1. He has a very tender heart. He looks out for his little brother and big sis. He is sweet to everyone (especially little kids) that he meets. It hurts his feelings when others aren't doing what they are supposed to.
2. He is a very good helper. When he is in the mood, which is most of the time, he will help me with odd jobs such as; taking out the garbage and putting a new liner in, making cookies or dinner, etc.

3. He gives great hugs. He is my little snuggle bug and is always so loving to me and to his family and friends.

4. He tries really hard to do what is right. When he makes a mistake, he is always very quick to say he is sorry. He recognizes when he is not doing what he is supposed to and then tries really hard to not do it anymore.

5. He knows the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is true and he loves Jesus and Heavenly Father very much.
I Love You Brutus!! We are glad you are a part of our crazy fam!

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