A couple of weeks ago, I was shopping at the grocery store with Gav. We had been there a while and I decided to buy a Stoufer's frozen lasagna. As I was putting the lasagna in the cart, gavin comes over and says, "hey, that's stoupers!" I was a little surprised to see that he knew what it was that I was putting in the cart, so I said, "how do you know what this is?" and he said, "I saw it on commercial, so that's stoupers and its really good for the whole family!" I thought that was pretty cute but it made me very wary of what kids really do see on television, watching their favorite cartoon or show.
A couple of days later, Kamryn and I were grocery shopping and she informed me that the green produce bags are better to put your produce in because they "stay fresher longer in the green produce bags." I again asked her how she knew that, and she said because she saw it on a commercial. Well, at least they are seeing the useful commercials instead of the smut they could be seeing. I guess bottom line is, I really should be very aware of what my children are watching on the t.v. so they don't start informing me what lingerie will strap me in the best or anything worse.